Statisticians used this test in 1970 to check the randomness of the draft lottery . 统计学家1970年曾经运用这种检验方法核查征兵抽签的随机性。
The 2004 nba draft lottery increased to 14 teams with the addition of the charlotte bobcats 加上夏洛特山猫队, 2004年参加抽签的球队增加到14支。
They could miss out on the postseason for the second consecutive season and still not have a draft lottery pick 他们可能连续两个赛季第2次错过季候赛(觉得很别扭)而且没有好的选秀权?
Actually there wouldn ‘ t be yao in houston if it wasn ‘ t steve francis who won the 1st overall pick at the draft lottery , which in turn landed yao on the rockets “老大”对姚明很关照,当初在决定今年选秀顺位的抽签大会上,正是弗朗西斯圣手一摇,才把状元选秀权摇到了火箭队名下。
Although a part of the 2004 draft lottery the bobcats are locked into the fourth position in the draft and therefore do not have a chance to receive other picks in the lottery 虽然参加了2004年的选秀抽签,但是规定山猫队只能在第四位选秀,因此并没有机会通过抽签获得的其他选择权。